
How Much Does a Subaru Hybrid Battery Replacement Cost?

How Much Does a Subaru Hybrid Battery Replacement Cost?How Much Does a Subaru Hybrid Battery Replacement Cost

If you own a Subaru hybrid, you may wonder how much it would cost to replace the battery. After all, the battery is an essential part of the hybrid system, and it’s not something you can buy at your local auto parts store. In this blog post, we’ll look at the cost of a Subaru hybrid battery replacement and some of the factors contributing to that cost.

How Much Does a Subaru Hybrid Battery Replacement Cost?

The average cost of a Subaru hybrid battery replacement is $3,500. However, several factors can affect the price, including the type of hybrid you have and the age of your vehicle. The good news is that most Subaru dealerships offer some warranty or extended service plan to help offset the cost of a replacement battery.

What Type of Battery Does My Subaru Have?

The type of battery in your Subaru will also affect the replacement cost. There are two types of batteries used in Subaru hybrids: Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries and Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. Li-ion batteries are typically more expensive to replace than NiMH batteries but also tend to last longer.

How Old Is My Vehicle?

Another factor that can affect the cost of a hybrid battery replacement is the age of your vehicle. If your car is still under warranty, you may be able to get the replacement covered by your dealer. However, if your vehicle is out of warranty, you’ll likely have to pay for the replacement.

If you’re considering buying a Subaru hybrid or already own one, it’s important to know how much it would cost to replace the battery. The average cost of a Subaru hybrid battery replacement is $3,500. However, several factors can affect the price, including the type of hybrid you have and the age of your vehicle. Most dealerships offer some warranty or extended service plan to help offset the cost of a replacement battery.



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